Silver Strikers Football Club Head Coach, Peter Mponda, shared his thoughts ahead of their upcoming clash against Bangwe All Stars in the TMM Super League. Scheduled for Sunday at the Silver Stadium in Lilongwe, the match promises to be a test of skill and strategy for both sides.
Mponda said, "It's going to be a tough game because Bangwe All Stars is a strong team with a good squad this season. We played them in preseason, and it was a tough match. They have players who are good with the ball and solid defense. But I trust my team to break through their defense."
Bangwe All Stars football club lost their first TNM super league game against FOMO FC, a team that just joined the topflight league at Mulanje park stadium. Coach Mponda thinks Bangwe All Stars will come into this game wanting to win badly. On the other hand, Silver Strikers FC won their previous game against Chitipa United FC, which boosted their confidence. They also have the advantage of playing at home.
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